Tag Archives: Neil

XShot at North Bowl

XShot at North Bowl
Photo-A-Day #1359

Today Allison and I had a lazy indoors day. We put together the kitchen set that Nate and Sarah got for Eva. That was a morning project and we got it finished. We also watched a few more episodes of Sanctuary (a Sci -Fi Channel show that has been accumulating on our DVR since Halloween). We bummed around and I took a nice long afternoon nap too. Read some of Brisnger and then got ready to go bowling with some friends.

We went to North Bowl for our Bowling night. North Bowl has been around North Attleboro for a very long time and recently they underwent a massive upgrade. They put in new floors, high backed booths on the lane floor and video scoring. The place looks and feels great, very professional. We went in and got a drink and waited for our friends.

Once a good number of people arrived we got our lanes and started bowling. The computerized lanes were great you could even set it so that certain bowlers automatically got bumpers when they took their turns. I was in charge of the computer because no one else had a clue as to how to use it. So I set up both sides and set bumpers on a few people. We had a lot of fun and then a smaller group of us went for a late dinner. But not before I got this group shot using my XShot 2.0. I had a few people ask about it and what it was too. I love using this gadget because you can get a group shot like this without anyone else’s help.

Neil, Andrea, Derek, Michelle, Jimmy, Kathy, Allison and I ended up over at Piccadilly Pub for a late dinner. I like the ‘Pic for their burgers, they are not as good as Red Robin but the wait at RR was over an hour and a half, no thanks. But the Pic burgers were decent and we had a very nice time with everyone. We laughed, told stories and jokes and just enjoyed each other’s company. It was a really nice night. I got camera envy right now, Andrea got a Nikon D90. I dared not play with it too much as we have to save and a new camera is just not in the cards for a while. Besides I need a flash 1st.

I do think that we probably got Derek and Michelle excited about getting iPod Touches though. They seemed quite taken with ours.


Photo-A-Day #1315

Crazy day driving home with the sunglasses on. This is getting ridiculous. The world looks so different without my glasses, I would like either pair to arrive soon. I just get so tired, because of my eyes. It is weird driving at dusk with sunglasses.

I am still having problems being able to actually write my post on my blog, still writing it in utterli first. I have not been able to find a fix for this issue but eventually I will get it fixed because it is very annoying.

You may have noticed that I have a banner ad at the top of the blog. It is for $5.00 off a $30 order at GoDaddy.com. I love GoDaddy.com because that is what I use for all 7 blogs that I have something to do with. There are four blogs that I am actively posting to and two in development as well as Allison’s blog. They are all on
. I even host my blogs through GoDaddy and they are all there now, no more being on blogger or any other free service. I pay for my hosting and I am very happy with that because I can use WordPress on each blog and I think that makes for a much better blog.

When I first signed up for GoDaddy.com I was immediately contacted by a customer service rep who talked me through a bunch of questions that I had and he even asked more questions that I didn’t know I had. It was a wonderful experience for me and because of that I have recommended it to my friends like Neil at edlambertinsurance.com. We’ve got much more to do with it but the site is up. I would also recommend that StephenTheDog use GoDaddy as well because he needs to get off blogger too. Now with the election over he has time on his hands before the next plan of his.

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