Photo-A-Day #3806
With the school year starting back up Andrew and I are starting a whole new routine. He’s in all day daycare on Mondays while I sleep then starting next week he’ll be going to school Tuesdays and Thursdays with Wednesdays for Play Group and maybe Lunch Bunch at the library. He was excited to be back at play group today because he got to cut up some paper and glue it onto some other paper. It is the simple things in life for Andrew. He does like to get the chance to use scissors whenever he can, though and glue, forget it. The kid loves both of those things.
I enjoy bringing him to play group, too. He gets to get out some energy and I get to talk with a few parents for a little while. We are lucky that our city has a program like this. It is completely free for residents. There are also some other programs for parents out of Project Connect that are useful.

Photo-A-Day #3723
Today was the Teddy Bear Picnic that is put on each year by Project Connect. This was actually the first one that I attended. I’ve been taking Andrew to playgroup through Project Connect for the past year or more. I can’t even begin to remember when I took over the duties of taking him full time. It has been a while and it is something that Andrew has benefitted greatly from. I have also benefitted because I get to get out of the house a couple hours a week and talk with other parents. We started in a play group for kids from 1 -3 and this last session we were in the 3-4 year old session for getting ready for school. More structure and more fun, plus it is a longer time. Andrew has really thrived by being with the other kids and playing with them. So, at the Teddy Bear picnic I was surprised by how many parents I knew. Continue reading Taking a Dragon to the Teddy Bear Picnic →
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