Tag Archives: singing

DJ Vi-King

Photo-A-Day #3287

This silly little boy loves to take his sister’s keyboard and play music while shouting “Let it Go” into the microphone. Not the whole song, just plain old “Let it Go”. He also likes wearing the viking hat that Eva bought at Storyland. I think it fits him nicely and the bent horns are a nice touch.

Jesus Loves Me So

Photo-A-Day #2501

Today we attended the church that runs Eva’s school. It was a special service to include the children of the school as they sang at the service. The kids sang three songs. I have to say that a bunch of 3-5 year olds singing is so cute and so funny at the same time. Half the kids are staring at the floor, half are waving at their parents, some are trying to do the hand movements that they learned and some are just awestruck at being in front of people. Eva fell into the waving at parents group but she also did the hand movements well and got a big kick out of performing the songs. We were very proud of her.