Tag Archives: The Zoo

Piggyback Rider Prepping

Photo-A-Day #3808

I took Andrew over to Capron Park Zoo today. I took him using the Piggyback Rider. We’re going to go down to New York City next week for a Skylanders event and I don’t want to have to take the stroller and there is no way he’s going to walk around the city the whole time. With the Piggyback Rider I am hoping that he will be able to stand on the bar as I walk about a mile over to the place where the event will be. I don’t think we’ll do a lot of extra exploring this time around.

He did pretty well with the Piggyback Rider. He didn’t attempt to step off the bar like he’s done in the past. He made it over to the zoo with no problem but on the way home he mentioned that his legs were hurting. We did make it all the way home, however. I think that he’ll enjoy the Piggyback Rider on our trip, we are going to go super light this time. I won’t be taking my camera but I did get a new Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus phone from the imagelogger program and I’ll use that as my primary camera and recording device for this trip. So, two phones, change of clothes for Andrew, the piggyback rider and some snacks. Gotta have snacks for the train. I’m looking forward to this trip. It should be a lot of fun.

Happy 4th Birthday EvaBoo

Photo-A-Day #2376

Eva turned four today, at 12:04pm. She knows this because when she woke up this morning she told Allison that she was still 3 and wanted to know when she would be four. When I came home and picked her up to take her out for birthday breakfast she told the waitress that today was her birthday and she would be four, she wasn’t four quite yet though. And later when she went with her Aunties (Tara and Shelby) to the zoo she asked if she was four yet. The kid cracks me up. Continue reading Happy 4th Birthday EvaBoo