Tag Archives: Tiny Arcade

Adding MAPPY to my World’s Smallest Video Games Tiny Arcade

My Super Impulse Worlds Smallest Arcade
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00706

Super Impulse has sent me quite few of their World’s Smallest series of Tiny Arcade video games. They recently sent me a free World’s Smallest version of Tiny Arcade Mappy. Mappy is one of those early 80’s games that was put out by the makers of Pac-Man, NAMCO. It was even made on the Namco Super Pac-Man hardware modified to support horizontal scrolling. The game features a police mouse called Mappy who is retrieving items that were stolen by several cats, Meowkie. Mappy must not get caught by the cats or he dies. The stolen items are within a mansion that has several floors. Mappy gets from floor to floor by jumping on a trampoline. He can get to different floors on the way up but not the way down and if he uses the trampoline too many times it breaks.

This is an entertaining game and requires timing and skill. Mappy can run around on the floors and open doors that can momentarily stun the Meowkies. Blue doors when opened shoot a microwave at the Meowkies and can carry them off screen which can allow Mappy to score additional points.

It was a fun game as a kids and even more fun to ad it to my mini arcade collection.


Mappy can be found on Amazon.com for $19.99 and if you were interested in picking this up you can through my affiliate link below.