Photo-A-Day #1893
I am so excited to announce that today I received two Kodak PlaySport Waterproof HD Digital Video Cameras. These were provided to me for use at the Roger Williams Paddle that will be taking place July 17th in Providence, RI. I’ll be using those cameras along with my XShot Kayak mounts too.
I am very very excited about using these cameras. Not only do they do 720p video but they also take 5MP stills as well. That is great when I am kayaking and instead of taking out a second camera to take stills I can capture them with the digital video camera. This will be so much fun. So far I’ve only taken them out of the box, read the instruction books, set the date and started charging them. So yeah I guess I have done a bit already. I will be practicing with them so that I am ready to use them to record an interview with Jennifer Cisney from Kodak. She is going to be at Evo’10 Conference. We’ll be talking about the PlaySport and the upcoming Kayak trip.
I’ll be talking about these cameras often so know that I received them free of charge and all opinions expressed are mine alone including my impressions while using them. I’ll also be making videos with these cameras and so look for this graphic at the end of each video. Also take a look at KODAK online and connect with the great people in KODAK Social Media (Kodak on Facebook).

So, thank you Kodak and especially Jennifer and Tina who are working with me.
There are two more days left to enter my Jawbone contest. I am running a Father’s Day Gadget contest. Win a Jawbone ICON Hero for Dad this Father’s Day