Tag Archives: Water

Name This Photo

Photo-A-Day #2037

I’m loving getting a chance to take a walk by the water at lunch time each day. My new office has a bike path right by a pond. This morning was rainy so I didn’t get a nice shot across the pond but luckily it cleared up and stopped raining at lunchtime. I took my camera and wandered around by the water. What I would love to see is a clear spot to put in my kayak but that is further down the road.

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Zen and the Art of Driveway Painting

Photo-A-Day #1798

Zen moments can occur anytime. For me it was painting with water and sponge brushes on the driveway with Eva today. She was having so much fun just putting ‘paint’ on the ground. After that she went and started running all over the place laughing like crazy. It was a moment that I caught on my Flip. As I was filming Eva got more and more giggly about running. She had so much fun. There are a bunch more photos in this album.

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