The New Christmas Tree is Up

The Tree is up
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01437

After Christmas last year and the disappointing trees to select from on the Christmas tree lots we decided to get an artificial tree to put up this year. We bought it right after last Christmas and we finally put it up today. We’re having Christmas early this year and so we’re getting things decorated earlier, too.

the tree is 9 feet tall and I may have misjudged exactly how tall our ceilings are in the house. I thought that they were about 9 feet or higher, guess they are slightly less than 9 feet.

I had tonight off so I spent the day getting the living room ready for us to decorate in the evening. We picked up pizzas and watched a little of Elf before we decorated. While we were going through all out decorations we did not have lights for the tree. So, I ran out to Lowe’s to find some warm yellow lights for the tree. That is what the package said but when I got it home the lights were high beam headlight bright white. We didn’t have much of an option so we opened two of the strands of lights and put them on the tree. We’ll find lights more to our liking next year. I do like how the tree looks, though. It has great branches and fills out nicely. Allison ordered a tree skirt/box for the base that will arrive after our family Christmas party. So in the meantime we try our other one which is a bit small for this tree. We’ll make it work.