Photo-A-Day #2120
This morning I awoke to another foot+ of snow in the yard. Luckily, I worked from home today so I could get up and help with the cleanup and not miss time. I also didn’t have to commute in that stuff. The snow was pretty soft and easy to move and since we packed all the cars at the top of the driveway it was pretty easy to clear out and then move everything. The sunshine on the blacktop took care of most of the rest of the snow throughout the day.
It was Erik, Tara, Dad and Me clearing things off and shoveling and using the snowblower. Even Uncle Mike got up to clear off his cruiser and get help out. And by help out I mean take pictures and write in the snow. The snow was so high that it started to crumble upon itself like a mini Avalanche.
I then worked for the day and once work was over I strapped Eva to my back and went outside… What? Yes, I strapped her to my back using a Piggyback Rider (@piggybackrider). I received one the other day and wanted to try it out. So I put Eva in the kid harness. I put on the parent harness and she stepped on the bar and we walked around outside. Eva really enjoyed it too.

I’ll be writing a review on this blog as well as a post over on Road to Thin about this product. I think I will title it as creative ways to use your kids as gym equipment.
Eva and I went into the back yard with my sister Tara. I put on my snowshoes and Tara had hers as well. We needed them in the back yard because the snow was up so high I could almost step right over the fence into the neighbor’s backyard. I have never seen the snow this high before. If you look at the photo today you will see a track that Eva is in for her sled. I made that with my snowshoes and if I took my snowshoes off and walked that same track then I would have sunk down at least another foot with each step. The amount of snow we’ve gotten this year is crazy!
Tonight Allison was off for birthday dinner with the girls so it was just Eva and me. I decided to take her out for dinner to Piccadilly Pub. I love that place and Allison is not a big fan so when she is gone I try and go. They serve you popcorn there and both Eva and I love it so we settled in with a bowl of popcorn and then we split pub pretzels and the boneless chicken fingers platter. Eva tried the stone ground mustard, said she didn’t like it and then continued to dip her pretzel into it. She cracks me up. We had a delicious dinner and then came home and watched a very special Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. That review is coming soon. By the way did you know that I run Giveaways all the time? Yeah, I have one up right now for some BKW Seasonings and tomorrow one for Popchips goes live.
Thanks for the help clearing the SNOW. Looked like Eva was really enjoying herself playing in the snow.
Thanks Dad,
The snow has been certainly draining this year but we do have some fun watching Eva play in it.
Drew, that piggyback rider is awesome! Looking forward to your review. (Would love one myself, but um… guess I need to know someone.)
I’m not envious of your snow though. We had our fun and that was enough. Glad I’m in the South. Now if it would just warm up.
Here’s what I do. I connect with brands on twitter and I tell them the story that will get a sample. I just continue to work on personal connections every day and offer to review products in exchange for the product. It then becomes part of our daily lives. XShot is the biggest example. We use that all the time and that started with a personal connection. It is all about making that interesting pitch. It can be a simple one line.
I’m a dad looking to lose weight and want to use my kid as gym equipment. 🙂
I love the snow actually. It is fun to walk in. I love the moment right after it snows when everything is quiet and all you can hear is the last flakes softly falling. That is wonderful.
The piggy back rider looks pretty cool. So much snow. Send some our way.
It is pretty cool and was run to use. I really enjoyed it.
We live in Switzerland and, this year, there seems to have been much more snow in other places than our own. Perhaps the weather patterns continue to change and colder places will become warmer. For example, the UK has seen huge amounts of snow over the last two years.
Weather patterns certainly feel like they have begun to shift. I’ve been freezing at home much more than int he past.