Transformers Tuesday: Wheeljack, Sideswipe and Bumblebee

Combiner Wars Wheeljack
Photo-A-Day #4005

I got back to Transformers Tuesday today with an unboxing of a Transformer figure that I bought, Combiner Wars Wheeljack and two that I received as part of my involvement with the #PlayLikeHasbro program. I try and get every version of Wheeljack that is released including this one. This version looks most like the original G1 version of Wheeljack that was released in 1984 except that he is a part of a combiner.

The other two Transformers that I unbox today include a Robots in Disguise figure, Sideswipe and a Playskool Mr. Potato Head Transformers Mixable, Mashable Heroes as Bumblebee Robot. The Sideswipe one is a three-step changer that is incredibly easy to transformer and looks really nice, just like a character from the cartoon. We have a giant Bumblebee like this, too and some other ones from Robots in Disguise. I am really enjoying the cartoon and like the way the figures have been made.

The Bumblebee figure joins our Optimus Prime from the same Playskool line. All things Mr. Potato head is good with me. They did a really nice job making Bumblebee look not only like a Mr. Potato head but also part of the Robot Heroes line.

Spring Break Entertainment for Kids

This post brought to you on behalf of Pley.

Completing the LEGO Friends cafe

April vacation is coming soon and with it are vacations, stay-cations and more. But what if you are not going anywhere. When you are not going on vacation or hanging out somewhere fun you are going to be facing some bored kids. Questions of “What are we going to do today?” or whining statements of “There’s nothing to do!”. This can make a one week school break a very difficult undertaking. So, you will need to have a plan to keep the kids entertained and active. That plan does not have to solely involve screen time. Some is good but there is so much to do with this time off. I’ve compiled a list of a few things that we do in our house to make these days fun for the kids.

Ideas for Spring Break Entertainment for Kids

  • Get outside and nature hike
  • Have a theme day (LEGO, Arts, Music and more)
  • Family Photo Session
  • Plant a garden
  • Donation day

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