Tag Archives: Auntie Mo

Auntie Mo at Sea World with Eva

Sea World with Eva, originally uploaded by mot412.

Our great friend Mo just went Pro on Flickr and I could finally get to the photos she had of she and Eva. Look at this one that Mo shot with her xshot at the dolphin pool. I keep telling Mo that she needs to submit a story to the SeaWorld Dolphin bubbles blog.

Also Mo is going to once again step in and take care of Eva while we are at IZEAFest 2009. She’ll be taking Eva to SeaWorld every single day including the Blogger takeover day.

Did you know that if you go to IZEAFest 2009 to get a free ticket to SeaWorld. I can talk about this until I cam blue in the face but IZEAFest needs to be experienced. The best value for the money, the most bloggers, the most fun it is going to be fantastic. Each year the conference gets even bigger and better. Be there. Click my affiliate link and get your ticket today.

Less than 200 days till IZEAFest 2009

Post IZEAHunt

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Tonight IZEA is having a huge Saint Patrick’s Day party at the office. I really would love to work in a place where they work really hard and also play really hard. Since I am not even close to leaving New England I guess I will just tune into Ted Tube today at 7:00pm. I mean, I’ll be there to hear my name called as the winner of the Sea World Manta Mania contest. With that I can go to SeaWorld with the family for free be one of the 1st to ride the new Roller Coaster Manta. And we can then go see the dolphin cove and hopefully see the Dolphin Bubbles action that I’ve heard so much about.

Of course, I don’t know if I’m going to win this contest but I figure if I put enough positive vibes out there then I can influence the collective consciousness and thus ensure that I win this contest. Hey, if A.I.G. can get billions of taxpayer money to give to people who ran that company into the ground and also screwed countless taxpayers then I figure I could win a contest.

I’m going down to SeaWorld in October anyway because of IZEAFest 2009. I’m so excited about this and can’t hardly wait for the trip. Our little trip in May (won from a contest) is just a tiny teaser. The big deal event of the year is IZEAFest. I’m really looking forward to seeing many of my blogging friends and all the IZEA employees. It has been 3 years that I have been a part of the IZEA Family and it has been fantastic. I’ve learned so much and found out so much more about being a blogger because of IZEA. My efforts were even recognized by Ted Murphy as one of 25 Social Media people to watch in 2009. It gave me the confidence to get a blogger meetup going in my own area.

Also I was the guy to introduce everyone to the Xshot. I gave Ted Murphy one and he took it and ran with it. He became such a fan that IZEA actively recruited Xshot as an advertiser. If any advertisers watch this blog think about how I can help get your product into the hands of influential people at IZEAFest 2009. think about it.

For my readers, I’ll be holding a contest soon to give away free passes to IZEAFest 2009. Be on the lookout for that.