Tag Archives: Black Panther

#Unboxing – Hot Wheels Marvel Civil War Exclusive Falcon and Captain America

Hot Wheels Character Cars
Photo-A-Day #4317

Just in time for the Big Game I decided to open my Captain America Civil War Hot Wheels. I certainly wore the right shirt today!!!! As I post this the Patriots have won the Biggest Game of the year! That is amazing. I did not get to see it in real time. My feed was stuttered and delayed. Some of my co-workers got it live and so I experienced the game through their frustration and adulation. That was incredible. Well, I’ll let my video talk about the toys.

The Blind Bag Trap

Iron Man and Captain America
Photo-A-Day #4226

I have a love/hate relationship with blind bags. They are exciting to open to see if you have found a chase character or a duplicate. The more blind bags you have the more chances you have of getting all the figures that you want, but there is also a higher chance of getting duplicates. I picked up a bunch of Funko Mystery Minis (Blind Bags) of Captain America Civil war characters on clearance at a couple of GameStop stores. Last night I found the rest of them at the last of the GameStops that are near me. I have all the figures except for three of them. I figured that I’d find at least one of them with this latest batch, but no. Not one new one and I even found two of the same ones. Ant-Man. I love the character but not 4 of them. So, that is the trap of Blind Bags. It is like toy gambling. It can be exciting but also disappointing.

So, now I have to figure out how to find those last three figures without taking more chances on blind bags.