Tag Archives: Christmas Traditions

Christmas Eve 2011

Photo-A-Day #2451

Eva and Andrew ready for bed. Now it is time for Mommy and Daddy to clean up from dinner and finish up all the last minute Christmas Preparations. A little wrapping left to do and some dishes to wash, we’re in pretty good shape. Of course I had to help Santa with that giant cookie and Allison wrote a note from Santa to Eva and Andrew. It always makes me excited each Christmas morning when we read the letter to Eva. I think she’s going to flip out this year. Continue reading Christmas Eve 2011

Spreading #SearsRealCheer Through the Lights on our House with #CBias

Christmas Lights are not only fun and enjoyable for your own family but also for the people around you. In our old neighborhood there were many homes that decorated for Christmas. There was one house that had a full scene of Charlie Brown’s Christmas. It was always nice to go and see that house each Christmas and if it had snowed, then all the better. I was happy to be able to get some lights for decorating at Sears this Christmas. I thought that we were not going to do any decorating this year because we had just moved and so had no lights or anything else to decorate our home. Continue reading Spreading #SearsRealCheer Through the Lights on our House with #CBias