Tag Archives: Conference

Who is your Celebrity Doppleganger?

Who is your Celebrity Doppleganger?
Photo-A-Day #1982

I got a great night’s sleep and ended up sleeping a little later than usual so sleep was awesome, how did I end up with a headache, I didn’t even do much drinking last night either. How is that possible? I was able to get my session posted online and get at least one post put up about the Thursday night VIP session. It is tough to keep up with the recaps while you are at a conference. There is just so much going on. I’ll try not to leave anything out.

Continue reading Who is your Celebrity Doppleganger?

I Talked About Photos

I Talked About Photos
Photo-A-Day #1981

On the second day of the Modern Media Man Summit I gave a session on how to take great photos and post them to the internet to share with others and gain links back too your blog posts. It is my belief that we should be creating our own content like audio, video and photos even if it is not perfect at least it is authentic. So, that is pretty much what my session was all about. It was to be a panel but it ended up just being me doing the session. I think it went pretty well and I posted the entire thing in the previous blog post for today. Continue reading I Talked About Photos