Tag Archives: cookies

Baking Christmas Cookies

Photo-A-Day #2813

Today we continued to get things together for Christmas. A big shop at BJs in the afternoon followed by some fun home time and finished off with baking cookies.

A couple of weeks ago I went to BJs and picked up a 40 pack of batteries and some cat litter. I got home and couldn’t for the life of me find those batteries. I was kicking myself thinking that I had left them in the cart somehow. But, when we were wrapping gifts (or rather, Allison was wrapping gifts and I was telling her what to wrap and who things were from) I picked up the Hess truck bag and it was super heavy. I pulled out the box with the toy and there was still something in the bag. It was the batteries. For a couple weeks I’d been beating my brain trying to figure out where they went. Glad I did not leave them in the cart.

The Christmas cookies were Betty Crocker packages. We made some Sugar cookies and some Gingerbread ones. We have a great gingerbread man non stick pan and an old pan that had rocking horses, toy soldiers and angels. There is not enough non stick spray in the world to make that pan work. I managed to get two good soldiers one rocking horse and an angel from the pan. After that I stuck (no pun intended) with the Gingerbread boy/girl pan.

Cramming for Christmas

Photo-A-Day #2450

Did you ever cram for exams? You spend a few all nighters and learn everything that you possibly can to do well on the exam, just to completely forget it the moment you walk out of the exam room. Well, with a brand new baby, a new house and things still not where you expect them to be I feel like I’ve been cramming for Christmas. Continue reading Cramming for Christmas