Tag Archives: Derek

Couple’s Ski Trip – ’04

This past weekend Allison and I went to Derek’s parents’ cottage up in Woodstock, NH. We had a blast with Derek and Michelle and Neil and Andrea. Allison and I went up on Friday -taking a well deserved day out of work. One more week on the road then home for 4 WEEKS!!!!

On Friday Allison and I took a drive up the Kancamagus Highway (watch for frost heaves). And then we had a nice dinner at Truant’s Taverne (And I got 449 Airline miles too boot, Yeah!).

Derek and Michelle arrived first on Friday night around midnight or so and then Neil and Andrea arrived after that. Allison and I were already pretty much asleep but got up to welcome everyone as they arrived.

We decided to get out on the road the next morning at 8:00am or so. Early to bed early to rise. Once the morning sun was out I was up and at ’em to get breakfast put on the table for our hungry skiers and shoppers.

Bretton Woods was awesome. It was a beautiful day and the sun was shining for part of the day and the conditions were good, plus there weren’t a lot of people and lift lines were short. Despite whatever Derek says about people.

That night the six of us went to The Woodstock Station. That was a great place. We were able to have a nice conversation before the meal arrived and a live band started once we were eating. They were pretty good, a little loud, but good. Enjoy the photos. Thanks for the great weekend guys.

The Beef Log’s Long Lost Brother…

Home of the Beef Roll

Yes, this restaurant is the home of the “Beef Roll”. It is the long lost brother of the infamous Beef Log. I saw this sign the first time that I was in Sandwich, IL and I knew I had to get a photo. Well, months later I whipped out my camera while I drove by the place just so I could get this image and share it with you.

Now at this moment some of you are shaking your heads and wondering what the heck the fascination with the Beef Log is all about.

Well, last year I went skiing with Derek, Neil and Steve. Derek and I drove up later on Friday night while Neil and Steve went up early to get the place in order and claim the two remaining bedrooms “Great, now get out of my bedroom!” While Derek and I were riding up to the cottage he told me all about this Hickory Farms Beef Log that his mother had sent up with him for us to enjoy.

On Saturday while we watched the Superbowl and had a few (many) libations Derek asked Steve to cut a few pieces of the Beef Log. Steve proceeded to cut up the entire thing and put it on the plate. Yours truly was sleeping passed out on his bed couch. When the Beef Log was placed on the table in front of me I woke up and stated, “Man that thing smells like ass!”.

I then promptly passed back out. The Beef Log was then summarily tossed out (untouched). Thus the legend of the Beef Log was born.

Oh, and if you follow the link you will notice that it is not actually called a Beef Log but rather a Beef Stick. But who cares.