Tag Archives: Duncan

Stephen The Dog, A Fake!

In what has to be one of the most shocking Internet cover ups in recent years it was revealed today that Stephen The Dog is not what he appears.

What We Knew

Stephen The Dog was one of the premiere Dog Bloggers on the internet despite his insistence of calling his blog an ODD (Online Digital Diary). This should have been our first clue that something was amiss. Stephen got into blogging to earn money for a small indiscretion with a seat belt. Being a dog with no income options Stephen turned to blogging and PayPerPost. Over the next year Stephen would earn about $300.00 through blogging, mostly about Dating Sites.

Stephen also decided that he would harass inquire of many corporations via a letter writing campaign. However the true intent behind that was to amass as many autographed photos of people not even famous enough to have photos for autographing. Then there was bobsledding, calling everyone by the 1st letter of their names and of course the countless mentions of napping.

Stephen The Dog? It is All A Lie!

Like so many bait and switch operations eventually the truth is revealed. Stephen The Dog is not his real name, it is a pseudonym to make him more likable to the common man, to give him that warm cuddly name we can all love. However, “Stephen” Is really…

Sir Alexander Woofington Kibblebits
Sir Alexander Woofington Kibblebits

Sure, that is a pretentious show dog name but that is not the worst of this whole lie. No not at all, a simple name change could be forgiven, but the bigger lie is totally unforgivable.

Stephen The Dog’s Blog is actually Authored by a Cat!

Well, actually two cats that work in tandem. Oliver and Duncan were contracted to do the bulk of the ghost writing for online blog, Stephen The Dog. …

When asked for comment Oliver was bitter…

Suck a Lemon - PAD #1004

“What! Who told you this, was it Daisy The Curly Cat? Well, I knew it wouldn’t last forever. However this is sort of old news as ‘Stephen’ tossed us out on our respective tails after we refused to go along with his crazy Double Stuff Nutter Butter idea. I mean, who needs that much peanut butter?”

Duncan however was more contemplative. He muses about the good old days.

Lonely Cats

“We had a good run, then ‘Stephen’ began to get greedy, he’s forgotten his roots. He now thinks he’s some sort of financial genius. Now that he is making some cash money he’s outsourced his posts to some Engrish blogger outfit. Don’t worry you’ll get the same grammatical and spelling mistakes, * Grammatical Errors and Spelling Errors were all ‘Stephen’. He called them Barking it Real., and quirky writing that you’ve come to know and love. But what will we do now?”

We’re cats. And We’re Cute. We’ll become LOLCats Models

Ollie 2
By Elizabeth of MomReviews

Waiting for Eva

Waiting for Eva
Photo-A-Day #1387

Duncan hanging out at the house waiting for Allison and Eva to come home.

Today was one of those days that I relaxed. I never sleep in, I’m an up at 5:30 each morning kind of guy but today I slept in and then hung out and read my comic books while Duncan and Oliver hung out on the bed with me. We lock them out at night because Duncan likes to climb on the headboard, except we have a wrought iron frame and the top bar is less than an inch in diameter. This does not stop Duncan from climbing up there and then climbing onto the window. He then ends up behind the curtain and can’t get down. I have this fear that one night he’s going to land on my head, hence the banishment.

So when the cats get a chance to enter the bedroom they like to hang out with us.

This afternoon I ended up stopping over to Circuit City to see if things had dropped any further, however they have not dropped the prices much more. A quick stop over at Office Depot did reveal a nice drop from 10% – 30% to 25% – 50%.

The liquidation of Office Depot has most of the Post-It products at 50% so I picked up a set of highlighters with little flags built in. These are helpful because I’m starting a new regimen each morning to get up to speed on many books I want to read, work related books with areas I am going to want to make sure I remember as well as those passages I want to share.