Tag Archives: Facebook

Home is Where the Heart is

Home is Where the Heart is
Photo-A-Day #1368

Or probably, Home is inside the heart, in this case. I was looking for something interesting to photograph today and I saw this ornament on my parent’s tree. I took a number of shots of it before I stopped so we could get a family photo in front of the tree. For some reason Allison, Eva and I don’t get these family photos on the days of the events. So instead we were all downstairs so we took a few family photos. I posted them to my FaceBook account.

Andrew Bennett's Facebook profile

You might want to add me on FaceBook, it might come in handy later on, today, tomorrow who knows what being my friend could bring you.

Also if you are into photography and would like to try a year of taking photos, here is a great site where you can post your photos each day or you can take a photo each day and post them once a week. I am going to post on the site Shuttercal every day this entire year. So if you sign up, friend me please.

Here is the other photo I took of the ornament, which one do you like more?

Photo-A-Day #1368b

Pats are out

Pats are out
Photo-A-Day #1360

Even though Eva wore her Patriots cheerleader outfit today it couldn’t change the fate of the team. Even though the Pats won their game today in windy Buffalo they are still out. Oh well, no Superbowl for us this year. A good run though even though they were Brady-less.

Today we packed up the car and headed to the Cape to do Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa (my Mom’s parents). We had a nice gathering with pizza and salad and lots of desserts. Eva was up and moving around all afternoon, she loves all the attention. And Auntie Shelby saw Allison’s Facebook update and decided to drive down to the Cape to spend time with everyone. What a great way for social media to connect family.

Dad and I popped over to our house and picked up his motorcycle to bring home. I took a bunch of Eva’s baby stuff too. She’ll be too big for those things next summer.

Grandpa picked up an Asus Eee 900. I helped him get my blog bookmarked on it. Allison wants one of these but she wants the sweet pea green Asus Eee 901. With that she can be much more mobile with Eva. Here is Eva with her Memere (my mother) and Great-Grandfather (my gandfather).

Eva with Memere and her Great-Grandfather

Eva was wide awake all day and tonight she was a bit of an overtired little bear. Hopefully we will get her back on track this week.