Tag Archives: Fortune House

Christmas Cookies and Holiday Hearts

Photo-A-Day #1720

That’s the Way the Holiday Starts.

Only two more sleeps till Christmas and plans are coming along. Allison is here wrapping the gifts while I set up a Virtual Christmas Blog. This is a blog that I am creating just for Allison’s parents to share in Christmas with us even though they are far away. The blog is an extension of an idea that I had when I wrote my first Dad-O-Matic post about Shrinking the Distance with Family During the Holidays. In that post I mentioned that I would detail the steps to create a Virtual Christmas. As I detailed the steps I created Christmas with BenSpark.

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Family Fortune

Family Fortune
Photo-a-Day #1567

Tonight we had take out from Fortune House with Mimi and Grandpa Dano. We just love going there and recommending it to all of our friends. No one person has had a bad meal. Literally everyone has raved about the food. It is always a great deal.

Allison, Eva, Mimi and Grandpa Dano went to Roger Williams Park Zoo this afternoon. I didn’t get to do so because I was working, I hate to miss the zoo. Next time I’ll be there.

I’m working on some additional contest prizes for the Ultimate IZEAFest Prize Pack Contest. I even got a CPC opp set up on SocialSpark to help promote the event. Every little bit helps. If you are interested in helping promote the contest head over to the contest post and help drive traffic any way you can.