Tag Archives: Star Wars Rebels

Team Muscle

Photo-A-Day #3698

My latest Loot Crate box was a team locker room. I’ve been experimenting with different teams. I thought to myself, what if I made a team out of the muscle from other teams. So I took all the different characters that would be considered the muscle on a team and put them all together into one team. So, in a team where everyone is the muscle, who is the one who can lead? And Why?

I would say that Panthro from the Thundercats would be the best potential leader. He’s smart, he’s experienced and was a good mentor to Lion-O. Raphael is too quick tempered. While Grimlock is the leader of the dinobots I don’t think he’d have the temperament for this team. Crusher may be a good leader and since we don’t know enough about this character to see if he’d be a good leader. Hefty Smurf seems like just a muscle head and not much in the brains category. Zeb is a good fighter but maybe not an overall leader.

Join the Rebellion as Star Wars Rebels Take Over Club Penguin

Club Penguin Star Wars Rebels Takeover

Eva and I have been playing Club Penguin together for a while. We were provided with a membership so that we could play the game and review it and promote it. We’ve played when Frozen took over Club Penguin and now it is very exciting to see that Star Wars Rebels takes over Club Penguin. We’ve been watching Star Wars Rebels together and love the show. Eva is a huge fan of characters like Hera and Sabine. I like Zeb and Kanan. We’re excited to play Club Penguin and earn a lightsaber. We now have the game on my phone and on Eva’s tablet. Check out more information about this takeover in the press release below.

Star Wars Rebels Takeover of Club Penguin Continue reading Join the Rebellion as Star Wars Rebels Take Over Club Penguin