Tag Archives: Toy Review

Review: Incredibles 2 Toys from Jakks Pacific – Power Couple and Jack-Jack Attacks

Incredibles 2 - Power Couple

I received some new Incredibles 2 Toys from Jakks Pacific toys as part of a fun Twitter Party that is happening today along with The Toy Insider. I am a Toy Insider Parent and write for the Parent Panel blog. Opinions of these toys are my own.

The Power Couple toy is Bob Parr and Helen Parr as Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl. The Mr. Incredible figure provides over 45 sounds and phrases. He is also the solid toy in the pair and he is the launcher for the stretchy, rubbery toy, Elastigirl. You put Easltigirl’s hands into Mr. Incredibles hands and pull back on her legs to stretch her and then release. Mr. Incredible’s arms fling forward and off goes Elastigirl into the air. She can also be launched at targets. The set includes three targets of the villains of the movie. You can take aim with the Power Couple to team up and defeat the bad guys. Continue reading Review: Incredibles 2 Toys from Jakks Pacific – Power Couple and Jack-Jack Attacks

For the Glory of Merlin #Trollhunters Season 3 Has Arrived!

TrollHunters Season 3

I have been eagerly awaiting the return of DreamWorks Trollhunters Part 3. This is the final season of the show that I have loved from the minute I watched the opening credits of the first episode. It is an incredible adventure that is for the whole family. There is great humor, courageous action and stunningly beautiful sets. When Season 2 came out I won a set of Trollhunters action figures from Funko through the Week99er website. I never opened them, until today. Here is my unboxing video.

I had fun with that one and tweeted it out, later in the afternoon I received a notification that the show’s creator, Guillermo del Toro, retweeted and liked my tweet. I was blown away!

Tweet from Guillermo del Toro

I spent the morning watching the first six episodes and they are amazing!! I cannot wait to watch the rest and then re-watch the whole series with the kids.

I have more about the new season below. Continue reading For the Glory of Merlin #Trollhunters Season 3 Has Arrived!