Eva’s Fifth TYT Play Kid’s Aladdin

Our little actress
Photo-A-Day #3988

Eva was in her fifth play with the Triboro Youth Theater. She has really enjoyed being a part of it. She did a great job and stayed happy and smiling throughout the whole play. My Aunt Donna had front row tickets so she gave me one and I was able to take some photos of the play. Eva was on the opposite side so the photos weren’t just of her alone and I can’t post them, but I got photos after the play of Eva on the stage by herself. The next one isn’t until the Fall. I am looking forward to seeing what she does next.

DVD Review: Star Wars Droid Tales

Star Wars: Droid Tales

The kids are now so into Star Wars and also LEGO. This new DVD, STAR WARS: Droid Tales is such a perfect combination of LEGO and Star Wars. The LEGO humor is enjoyable for the whole family. There are some adult moments that are perfect for Allison and I and there is also kid’s humor that is great for the kids. There are so many funny things that happen in the episodes. One of my favorite parts of the series is when C-3PO talks about meeting R2-D2 for the first time. Then they meet Anakin, and every time we hear Qui-Gon Jinn say something to Anakin, which we know isn’t going to turn out well, there is a guy who is selling Red Flags. The kids don’t understand what a Red Flag is but as parent’s we as so tickled by the humor. The characters are great, done in the LEGO style and the voices are done very well. I could watch these over and over. Here are some clips that will show you what I mean.

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