Tag Archives: Captain America: Civil War

Captain America: Civil War Best Friends Funko Pops Unboxing

Captain America: Civil War Pops
Photo-A-Day #4042

Tonight we are going to see Captain America: Civil War. But before that I had a super busy day that included things like The Gym, a Twitter Party for Sears and also a run to Sears for their In-Vehicle Pickup Service, making videos, succeeding at Operation Naptime and finding some Avengers Age of Ultron Titan figures on clearance at Target. We also went to the McDonald’s Play place after getting haircuts and that kid who drank everyone’s sodas was there again. I couldn’t believe it. He didn’t come touch my phone which is good because I was doing the Twitter party while Andrew played because I wanted him tired out and also I wasn’t going to make it home in time for the party after our haircuts.

So I was running here and there all day long. But tonight I’m going to experience Captain America: Civil War in IMAX glory. I can not wait!

In today’s video I unbox some more Funko Pops including War Machine and The Winter Soldier.

Captain America Civil War Women of Funko Unboxing

The Women of Captain America Civil War
Photo-A-Day #4038

Today I continue on with my pre Captain America: Civil War celebrations and I unbox some more of my Funko figures. This time around the figures that I unbox are the women of Captain America: Civil War. I have the new Scarlet Witch, and Black Widow along with a character that has her first figure, Agent 13, Sharon Carter. I already have two previous versions of Black Widow including one with her carrying Captain America’s shield. I also have the version of Scarlet Witch from Avengers: Age of Ultron. These are some great figures.

These new female figures have one very special enhancement that should have been a part of all the previous female characters across all the different series of figures? These each have a small clear stand so that they can stand up without any problem. Now these new ones can be easily displayed without any fear of them falling. I’m happy about that.