Tag Archives: Grandpa Dano

Princesses at Dinner

Photo-A-Day #1942

Eva has been doing a phenomenal job with potty training. She gets a sticker for every successful try (on the potty nothing but bowl). When she gets seven stickers she can pick a prize from the prize basket. Every other time we add a little toy princess to the basket because you know she is going to choose a princess if given the choice. So in order for her to pick things like little M&M packages or containers of Play-Doh we have to sort of stack the deck and control the flow of prizes. Continue reading Princesses at Dinner

Princess Providence

princess eva
Photo-A-Day #1910

The Rest of the Story coming tomorrow. Blame the lateness of this post on my brand new toy, the iPad. Yesterday Allison’s parent’s arrived from Florida. I was on a telecommuting day so I was unable to go and pick them up so Allison and Eva went. I stayed home and did work and caught up on a few things left to do around the house. I’m still getting back into the swing of things since Evo’10. I did write a pretty comprehensive post on my experiences there over on the Collective Bias blog. Continue reading Princess Providence