Tag Archives: IZEA Insiders

Many Colors

Many Colors
Photo-A-Day #1558

Today was a whirlwind day. First off I participated in a huge simultaneous blog post with #10Ways. Unfortunately I jumped the dang gun and posted at 9:00am EST not 9:00 PST like I was supposed to. That is okay I remedied that quickly and waited for the big bang. At noon the big bang went off and it was huge. So many people were part of this post and the tweets went off like crazy. I followed a bunch of new people today and suddenly I hit the 2000 followers limit and can’t follow anyone else. Huh? I guess I will have to wait till the people following me gets higher.

Today also when I got home I colored with Eva. It has been so long since I’ve used a crayon and drawn anything. She has some Disney stickers and I drew Donald Duck and a partial Mickey Mouse before she got bored with it. They aren’t even half bad. When I walked in the house from work Eva pointed to the Pop Photography magazine in my hand and said “camera” I didn’t realize that I had the magazine in my hand so I went off to get my Canon SD 800is camera. I don’t mind her using that one, it is rugged. I also got the little camera that Dina from Market Leverage got for her. I let Eva put the button and showed her how to hold the camera. That didn’t go so well.

I thought I’d be cute and let Eva take my camera and I’d take hers for the Photo-A-Day but that didn’t work either because I accidentally erased the pictures and I wasn’t able to get them off the camera. I will try again some other day. Eva was much more successful however and she took a ton of photos, mostly because she just kept pushing the button. I uploaded the photos to Flickr and you can check them out. I tagged them EvaBooShoots.

Later after I read Eva 5 books before bed I called a blogger who goes by the name Bad Evan. The other day he DM’d (Private Twitter) me his phone number and then tweeted that he should now change it. We bantered a bit and that was the end of things. Then some other bloggers got involved and we playfully bantered some more. Well tonight I gave Bad Evan a call. He’s a wicked nice guy. We had a few awkward minutes of conversation then we fell into a groove and talked for a good 15 minutes or so. He’s got some amazing project that he is working on and I am looking forward to seeing that as well as seeing him blog again soon. So if you DM me your Phone # I might just call you.

Speaking of blogging, I was interviewed by Laurie Burkitt from Forbes magazine for an article that I personally think was biased and terrible. She (Laurie) got the blog url of this blog wrong despite my sending her 8 links to posts on this blog and also having my blog url in the signature of my e-mail (we exchanged a few, follow up questions) . She also misquoted me stating “I make $6,000 more every year for my family.” That is incorrect. Since starting blogging with IZEA and their many properties, PayPerPost, PayPerPost v4.0, Sponsored Tweets and SocialSpark I have made about $6,000 in total through PayPerPost alone, that is over the course of 3 years. With SocialSpark I have made nearly $500 and PPP V4.0 $35.00 Sponsored Tweets $3.50. I’m not retiring anytime soon but the money certainly has helped my family in many ways. Seeing my blog url incorrect and being misquoted makes me seriously doubt the integrity of the piece overall. What other facts are missing and skewed.

Workout on Friday, Blog Well on Saturday

Something that I have noticed every Friday when I workout is that I’m always the only person in our gym. No one is working out on Friday. I also notice that bloggers post a lot of their fluff on Saturday. The thing that I realize is that not everyone reads blog posts during the week. Many people save their reading for the weekend so why not give people something worth reading. That is one reason why decided to call my weekly post about SocialSpark, SocialSpark Saturdays. Saturday gives people time to read and digest extra detailed posts and try to follow step by step instructions. I’m more focused on the weekends because I’m not trying to read blog posts and get back to work all day through. On Saturday I can sit down for a solid un-interrupted hour and concentrate.

I guess the point of this is that if you are bucking the trend a bit you are going to see some results. By working out Friday when everyone else is sleeping in (and I want to sleep in) I can focus on my own workout more intensely. The same thing with blogging, write some of your best stuff on the weekends and share it with everyone on the weekend and you just may build a bigger audience.

So, for today’s SocialSpark Saturday let me introduce you to something that not a lot of bloggers take the time to learn about and that would be Sparks. Sparks are wonderful things because they allow you to write about many different topics and receive links back in return. Anyone can create a spark but you have to create an advertiser account to create a Spark. However, anyone can create an advertiser account.

I created a Spark yesterday to help promote the http://imnotafamousblogger.com blog. On that blog I interview the great bloggers from the “I’m Not A Famous Blogger” IZEA Insiders Crew. The Spark can be found here. It is a little different because essentially the blogger will write their own post for my blog and they can include their own links of choice as they promote themselves and their blogs.

My Spark is not the only one, there are many good choices and I encourage bloggers who have not yet gotten their blogs verified to take Sparks, meet other bloggers and build up their post counts and link backs. I’d also say stay with the BlogYouBack ones as they benefit you and make sure you write something quality. It might be just the thing to write on Saturday.