Tag Archives: Providence

1st WordPressPVD MeetUp

wordpress providence
Photo-A-Day #1844

Tonight I went to an event that I have been so excited to attend for a long time. I attended the first WordPress Providence MeetUp. The reason I was so excited was that I’ve only done events in Boston and it is great to be able to go to an event in my own backyard and meet and network with people who, again, are in my own backyard. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve met some fantastic people in Boston however it is the driving to and getting around Boston that is the issue (Oh and did I mention FREE parking, not some $30 rip off (I don’t know how to park in Boston)). For Providence I just zipped on down 95 and then two or three turns and I was at McFadden’s. Continue reading 1st WordPressPVD MeetUp

A Visit from Dina Riccobono

Photo-A-Day #1674

Today was a very awesome day. Allison and Eva and I have been looking forward to our visit from Dina Riccobono ever since she mentioned coming to see us a little over a week ago. Dina was in New York all this week for AdTech and Audience. I missed out on a couple very good conferences from what I heard and I really would have loved to have seen Ted Murphy, Ashley Edwards, Murray Newlands and John Raser again. Well, there is always Affiliate Summit West 2010.

Continue reading A Visit from Dina Riccobono