Tag Archives: Red Robin

Red Robin “Man Date” Redux

Photo-A-Day #2162

Back in 2008 I went to Red Robin with my friend Mike. I dubbed the evening the “Man Date”. A PR firm for Red Robin contacted me last month and asked me if I wanted to go back out again on another “Man Date”. I was asked to go in and try out the new Prime Chophouse Burger and document the good time we would have. They didn’t tell me to write only good but I just knew that I would have fun. I love Red Robin ever since I found one in Vancouver back in 2006. When one appeared in my own back yard I was psyched! Continue reading Red Robin “Man Date” Redux

Princesses at Dinner

Photo-A-Day #1942

Eva has been doing a phenomenal job with potty training. She gets a sticker for every successful try (on the potty nothing but bowl). When she gets seven stickers she can pick a prize from the prize basket. Every other time we add a little toy princess to the basket because you know she is going to choose a princess if given the choice. So in order for her to pick things like little M&M packages or containers of Play-Doh we have to sort of stack the deck and control the flow of prizes. Continue reading Princesses at Dinner