Tag Archives: Restaurant

Derek’s 30th Birthday Bash!

Happy birthday, you handsome devil! - Derek
Happy birthday, you handsome devil! – DereK

Last night we went to Derek’s Surprise 30th Birthday Party at Asia Grille in Lincoln, RI. What a fun night. Michelle pulled off a great evening. There was great food, good people, fantastic renditions of famous songs by amateur singers (Karaoke of course!), Scorpion Bowls, Fear Factor and some big dance numbers. Check out the photos for a recap of the events.

Mike Walach (pictured here with his fiance Anna) is a fine craftsman and a mean dancer.
Mike Walach (pictured here with his fiance Anna) is a fine craftsman and a mean dancer.

Derik, Derek and Neil
Derik, Derek and Neil – Drew

Paradise by the Dashboard Light! - Derek
Paradise by the Dashboard Light! – Derek

The Ladies Man - Drew
The Ladies Man – Drew

Where did my friends go? - Steve
Where did my friends go? – Steve

Why did the DJ put this stupid hat on my head? - Neil
Why did the DJ put this stupid hat on my head? – Neil

Why is the DJ touching me? - Derek
Why is the DJ touching me? – Derek

Damn I
Damn I’m Sexy in this hat – Drew

Your Hands Are COLD! - Drew
Your Hands Are COLD! – Drew

It’s a gummy worm, not a tequila or computer worm! – Steve

Hey Macarena! - Drew
Hey Macarena! – Drew

Derek to Derik - "What happened to your hands?" /><br />Derek to Derik – “What happened to your hands?”<P>Derik – “Oh, no they turned into Penguin hands like Danny Devito’s in Batman, Hum…..now I have the strange craving for Herring!!!”  -Derik</div>
<p><div align=center><img src=
Conga This! – Steve

Shake it up Baby! - Drew
Shake it up Baby! – Drew

Gracias, Grazzi, Gracias - Derek
Gracias, Grazzi, Gracias – Derek


U2 picture - background, friendly folk - foreground - Steve
U2 picture – background, friendly folk – foreground – Steve

It’s coming for you next, Drew. – Allison

Happy 30th Birthday Derek - All
Happy 30th Birthday Derek – All

Hospital and Sky images…

Sky over Physician’s Hospital

So this is the hospital that I’ve been working at for the past week. It is a pretty hospital. The rooms for patients are huge suites. There are 40 suites so far, the hospital will be adding more as time goes by too. They are going to be expanding over time. They are still putting the finishing touches on everything and that is a little weird but things seem to be going okay so far. I spent much of the day building reports and other dictionary things. For lunch I had a really good pulled pork sandwich at a BBQ joint., so it’s all good.

Gotta love the sky out here

This is a shot from the car while I was driving from the hospital to the hotel. Isn’t the sky awesome. If it wasn’t for the dust and smog in the air the sunsets and sky would be so incredible. The nights are pretty clear and the moon has been pretty full this week. So that has also been a great sight.

Tonight I went to dinner with another specialist Laura to Jaxon’s Restaurant. They are a Micro brew. I got a sampler of their beers. 8 little 1 ounce glasses of each beer. A nice assortment. Very tasty. If you go to El Paso I’d stop there for dinner or drinks.