Tag Archives: Roller Brawl

Coloring Roller Brawl

Photo-A-Day #3117

The desk that I have at work is just reflective enough that the mouse does not work correctly. I don’t have a mouse pad so I’ve been using a piece of paper taped to the desk. It had been a picture from Eva but when I moved desks I had to take that picture off and it got ripped. So I have a new piece of paper, it is a picture of a Skylanders figure. Last weekend I had Pop Fizz and I colored him in. This week I taped Roller Brawl over Pop Fizz and colored her in. I color a little bit at a time through the whole weekend. Then start again next weekend.

Hawk and Awww

Photo-A-Day #3114

Today was another Skylanders day around here. I received a bunch more shipments including my Skylanders Swap Force Dark Edition from Gamestop but I’ll get to that. I received more characters as well and also this Skylanders Halloween Costume. While Eva is not going to go as Jet-Vac for Halloween it is a cute costume for her to use to play dress up. There are a bunch of Skylanders costumes available including costumes for Trigger Happy, Spyro, Gill Grunt, Crusher and Jet-Vac. I probably should have requested the Trigger Happy one since we have the MEGA Bloks Trigger Happy Coin Blasters. There was supposed to be a Jet-Vac vacuum blaster from MEGA Bloks that would go perfectly with this costume. The costume that she did get was pretty nice. It scared Andrew so I’m not sure how things are going to go for Halloween this year. Continue reading Hawk and Awww