Tag Archives: Vacation

Wings and Pings with @PokenGirl At Bru’s Room

Wings and Pings with @PokenGirl At Bru's Room
Photo-A-Day #1635

Tonight Allison, Eva, Dan and Marcia and I went to Bru’s Room in Boynton Beach for Wings and Pings. Wings and Pings (#wingsandpings) was a tweetup event that I planned with Vanessa and Juliet of Pokengirl.com. PokenGirl was one of my sponsors for the Ultimate IZEAFest Prize Pack and tonight I picked up the pokens for the prize winners. I also got to meet Vanessa and Juliet in person. We were also joined by Dina Riccobono of MarketLeverage. Each of us had some great swag to give away to the people who attended.

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Taking That Step

Taking That Step
Photo-A-Day #1632

Today we spent part of the day over at the pool at Dan and Marcia’s. Eva has been taking swimming lessons since she was six months old. She loves the pool. Dan and Marcia picked up some “noodles” for her and Eva had so much fun playing with them. This image might look like she had some trepidation over her plunge into the water but I assure you she jumped in over and over for over an hour, the longest that she’s been in the water. Continue reading Taking That Step