Tag Archives: YouTube Kids

Voltron Legendary Defender Season 2 on Netflix Returns Tomorrow #StreamTeam

Voltron Flying

By now you have seen the trailer for Season two of Voltron Legendary Defender. We loved this show as a family. I was fortunate enough to get a sneak peek at the show at DreamWorks Animation Studios last year and it was so hard to wait for the first season to start. It has been even harder for the second season to get under way but that is all about to change tomorrow. So, to get you excited take a look at a whole bunch of stills and videos that I have to share with you including some downloadable activity sheets and more. But first, let’s check out that season two trailer.

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The Blind Bag Trap

Iron Man and Captain America
Photo-A-Day #4226

I have a love/hate relationship with blind bags. They are exciting to open to see if you have found a chase character or a duplicate. The more blind bags you have the more chances you have of getting all the figures that you want, but there is also a higher chance of getting duplicates. I picked up a bunch of Funko Mystery Minis (Blind Bags) of Captain America Civil war characters on clearance at a couple of GameStop stores. Last night I found the rest of them at the last of the GameStops that are near me. I have all the figures except for three of them. I figured that I’d find at least one of them with this latest batch, but no. Not one new one and I even found two of the same ones. Ant-Man. I love the character but not 4 of them. So, that is the trap of Blind Bags. It is like toy gambling. It can be exciting but also disappointing.

So, now I have to figure out how to find those last three figures without taking more chances on blind bags.