Tag Archives: Grandparents

One Headlight

Photo-A-Day #1940

Today Allison, Eva and I made our way up to Fitchburg to visit with Allison’s grandparents John and Eva. We had lunch with them so that they could visit with Eva. Eva introduced Great-Grandma Eva to the iPad (Eva even asked us for one of her own the other day, we are in trouble). Eva had the Great-Grandparents enthralled with her antics and how well she used the iPad and understood her letters. Eva loves playing the SuperWhy App on the iPad. Continue reading One Headlight

Has it been 60 Years… already?

Photo-A-Day #1695

Each year we have a large family party for Christmas and this year we decided to do it early and also celebrate a wonderful testament to love. Today we celebrated my Grandparent’s 60th Wedding Anniversary. My grandparents thought this was going to be the typical yearly party. They sure were surprised when they found out that there was a double purpose to the gathering.

Continue reading Has it been 60 Years… already?