Tag Archives: Spider-Man

Interview with Dave Kane on WARA 1320

Dave Kane and Company
Photo-A-Day #4638

When we made our donation to Christmas is for Kids this year I met Dave Kane. Dave is a radio personality and comedian. He does a show on our local AM radio station, WARA 1320, on Saturday mornings called Kane & Company. He and I got to talking and he asked me if I’d like to be on his show sometime. Well, today was the day. Despite a ton of ice all over the roads I was able to get over to the station for the episode. We had a really nice conversation and when the show gets posted I will link it up here.

Dave was very interested in my blog and reviewing toys and those things that I take for granted on a daily basis because I have been doing them for so long. Then as I was talking about them I began to really think about the great opportunities that I have had over the past few years from blogging. Not only have I been able to make great donations to Christmas is for Kids but I have been able to go on trips and review cars and have some fun adventures. It was nice to talk about them. So, at the end of the show Dave asks me what is next and I blurt out that we are going to Disney Social Media Moms Celebration in February and then I was like, ” Oh no! I hope the kids are not listening!” Luckily, they were not listening at that time. Allison was and the kids came in to listen right after that. Close call. Just one more day and w2e can finally spill the beans on this.

Spider-Man has been restored

I was able to fix Andrew’s Spider-Man ornament. He was so distraught the other day when I dropped it. Some super glue and some time and it was all better. Now he’s hanging from Andrew’s tree.

Christmas Decorating Day – Spider-Man Emergency Repairs

Spider-Man surgery
Photo-A-Day #4637

eva was having a sleepover and baking/crafting and who knows what else session with Auntie Tara last night into today. So, Andrew had us to himself today. We started the morning off together building one of his LEGO sets from his Birthday. He and I took turns doing each of the bags. He did a great job on it and his getting better and better with LEGO every time we play. I used the LEGO instructions online for one of the creator sets to make a LEGO Diplodocus. This was a 3 in 1 creator sets of dinosaurs. So as he built I took apart the dinosaur set and then rebuilt it.

After our building session we started cleaning the house for Christmas and I promised Andrew that after we cleaned the house we could build a huge track for the Tracer Racers. A few days ago we posted a video of these glow-in-the-dark tracer racers, part of the MAX TRAXXX line. The company liked our video so much that they went and sent us a ton of additional sets. The new super track is over 100 feet in length which the cars make short work of as they speed along. We did build a new track but that is later.

MAX RAXXX Super Track and Christmas Trees

We got the whole house cleaned up and the kids trimmed their little Christmas trees. I helped them as Allison washed and ironed our living room curtains. Each year the kids get one special ornament for their tree. Andrew’s ornament is Spider-Man. The kids were all excited and I was taking the ornament out of the box and it fell to the floor and the arms and legs of Spider-Man snapped off. Andrew was so upset. Eva immediately went into mom mode and took him to his room to help calm him. I took spidey downstairs and started surgery. So far his legs and one arm have been reattached. He should be better in a couple of days.

We enjoyed pizza, salad and a movie tonight together on the couch. We watched The Santa Claus for the first time and we all enjoyed it. the kids thought it was really funny. I enjoyed it as well.

After the movie we got to play with the new MAX TRAXXX super track that we built before dinner. The cars were all charged and the kids were, too. It was time to have fun and they certainly did. Check out the video below.

The whole set is fantastic and we had a lot of fun playing with it and reviewing it. You can purchase it through our Amazon.com links and if you do go to the stores that are approved by Skullduggery. Skullduggery has two great approved FBA sellers on amazon.com, Think Stores and 4% Change for Children. 4% Change for Children offers a $20 off coupon on the Infinity Loop Set every Sunday, Monday and Tuesday until Christmas, and the company each year donates 4% of its net profits from the prior year AND 4% of the company’s working hours to non-profit organizations that help children and families with children to learn, grow and live better lives.