Tag Archives: paddling

Eva’s First Kayaking Adventure

Evas First Kayaking Adventure
Photo-A-Day #1878

This morning Allison, Eva and I went to Cape Cod Kayak to join a paddling trip. Our friend Kim hooked us up with a double kayak and a top notch guide in her nephew Josh. Josh has been working in the store and on the water for the past seven years and he is a really great guide. He took us to Monk’s Cove and then around Toby’s Island. It was a really nice paddle with a very big current pushing us along so we cruised so quickly. Continue reading Eva’s First Kayaking Adventure

Taking Time To Smell The Flowers

Eva with Flowers
Photo-A-Day #1841

After dinner tonight Allison, Eva and I went out into the yard so I could rinse off my kayak. Eva was very interested in learning more about the kayak. She wanted to sit in it, of course she did ask after I rinsed it so she will have to wait till tomorrow. She was interested in learning more about the paddle and even wore my life jacket for a while. She carried the paddle all over the place and Allison got a great shot of her with the paddle. I took a little video of her with the paddle too and she looks like she’ll have the skills for paddling Continue reading Taking Time To Smell The Flowers